Wednesday, March 10, 2010

an acquisition moratus

i will soon be the proud owner "Ad Hoc at Home" by Thomas Keller who is famously known for his restaurant in the napa valley called The French Laundry. he is also known for Bouchon Bistro and Bakery with serveral locations. several locations, including las vegas, where Nadia was able to visit recently, here as well as the comfort food styled Ad Hoc in yountville, ca.

i'm excited to leaf through this beautiful book and muster the courage to try some recipes. this cookbook is an attempt at an accessibility that maybe wasn't there with Keller's previous cookbooks because there is a sense of intimidation with the Keller name and the type of food that he does. but it's a beautiful book and i'm excited to try.


  1. What does Ad Hoc mean?? You are quite the brave one to tackle Thomas Keller. Invite me over when you cook something!!!

  2. ad hoc means formed for a specific purpose but not permanent. i guess originally the restaurant was supposed to be temporary. they were just making use of property they owned at the time. so the menu was always changing and they wanted to serve more casual, home cooking which was very different from his other restaurants. but the restaurant ended up doing well so they made it permanent.

    hahah the recipes are pretty accessible for this cookbook.
