Thursday, June 16, 2011

baby sister

What can I say, my parents are neurotic to the core.  They adopted my brother's Yorkshire Terrier, named Sesame, as their dog number of years back and have completely rearranged their lives for her.

Don't be so dramatic, Hannah.  I'm sure you're just exaggerating.

No, I'm being quite serious.  They don't go out of the house late at night because they think she'll be 'afraid' to be home alone in the dark.  They feed her specially prepared food and feed her by chopsticks special table scraps (not leftovers but the best pieces of meat from dinner).  When they come home they announce, "Baby I'm home!" and begin to hold and kiss her (and no, they're not calling out to me....the REAL baby of the family.  LOL).

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  I've been summoned in the past, nay demanded, to come home early in order to BABYSIT the DOG.  She's just a dog!!  I'd scream at my parents to no avail because in their minds she's my baby sister.  No, I'm serious, they CALL her my 'baby sister' in Korean.  See what I mean by neurotic?!

It's been almost a month since moving to IL and I'm finding that I miss the small comforts of home in CA.  And I guess that would include my baby sister.  

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