Monday, June 6, 2011

korean comfort food

On my own...just me and the kitchen. No umma (mom in Korean) in Chicago and no decent Korean markets within 30 min of me.  If I want some Korean food well then I'd better make it myself. Luckily my friend Alice gave me some easy to follow recipes for basic Korean side dishes (the kimchee was store bought, I'm not THAT pro yet!).

Korean Soy Bean Sprout:
-ingredient A
wash, rinse and drain1 bag soy bean sprout (12 oz = 3/4 lbs)
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp red ground pepper
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp thinly sliced or chopped scallions

-ingredient B
dash of sesame oil
dash of crushed sesame seeds
dash of soy sauce

Heat the pan on medium -high heat.
Put all the ingredient A as indicated above soybean sprout first on the bottom of the pan, then all the ingredients on the top of the sb sprout. 
Close the lid and cover the pan, then lower the heat to medium -  low heat. Let it simmer for about  2 minutes. 
SP Sprout will become moist and soft, using chop sticks mix it well and following ingredients B as necessary. 

Korean Squash:
-ingredient A
thinly sliced squash (1 lb)
thinly sliced small yellow onion (1/4 lb)
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic

-ingredient B
1 tsp thinly sliced or chopped scallions
1 tsp Korean salted shrimp (sae-woo-jut)
1/2 tsp sesame oil
dash of sesame seeds
dash of black ground pepper
dash of kosher salt (if necessary)

On medium- high heated pan, add oil, start with a yellow onion, then squash to saute, and add ingredient A.
When squash starts to become slightly soft, lower the heat to low - medium and add ingredient B. 

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