the morning meest on the front yard plants. crazy weather yesterday and today. storm watch 2009!
some of us went to the beach today on this new year's eve, 'kayla style.' which just means we decided two days ago that we would go. after yesterday's weather i wasn't sure we'd make it but what beautiful weather it turned out to be.

we actually saw a bunch of things in the tide pools. anemones, star fish, urchins, fish, crabs, hermit crabs, and even octopi! the ocean is a wonderful and scary place.

it's the last day of 2009 and while it was a great year in many ways i'm very happy to see it go. i think this year was full of a lot of great memories and lessons to learn from. i'm looking forward to 2010 and all it's glory but if it disappoints it better go in a hurry! haha

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